View on Sasso Lungo and Sasso Piatto from Forcella Denti di Terrarossa

View on the Molignon Peaks from Forcella Denti di Terrarossa

Coming from Rifugio Alpe di Tires with view on the Cimo Terrarossa

View on the Rifugio Alpe di Tires (top left the tiny red and white house) and the Gruppo del Catinaccio

Moving towards the Sciliar with view on the Gruppo del Catinaccio

View from the Rifugio Bolzano (more like a castle than a mountain hut) with the Gruppo del Catinaccio in the background

Standing on the Pas de Molignon and looking at the Rifugio Passo Principe (just visible in the gap) with the Catinaccio d'Antermoia to its left

View from the Rifugio Bergamo onto the Valle di Tschamin